
Amy’s real-talk style delivers a dynamic experience every single time she takes the stage. From company kickoff meetings to international conferences, Amy brings her A-game and blends substance, style and stories together to provide truly powerful learning opportunities for her audience.

#1: Own Your Fifty: Dealing with Drama and Difficult Situations

It’s probably happened to you – your day starts with a wrong coffee order at the drive-through, bad drivers on the road and traffic when you’re already running late. As you begin your work day, it’s more of the same – a colleague took credit for your work, a vendor over-promised and under-delivered and it’s not even time for lunch yet.

Life has no shortage of challenges, whether big or small, at work or at home. How you show up in the midst of adversity says a lot about your ability to navigate the world around you.

Understanding how to deal with drama and difficult situations can make or break your personal and professional relationships. In this honest conversation, mindfulness expert Amy Woodall will guide you through a process to own your 50. You will learn how to take control of your responses and judgments in any situation, and understand how you can rise above feelings of frustration to a place of freedom.

Ideal Audiences for This Talk:

  • Healthcare professionals
  • Manufacturing and distribution companies
  • Leadership teams from any industry

#2: Fulfillment Fallacy: Why Chasing Your Dreams Feels So Empty and What You Can Do About It

When you make more money, lose the weight, get the promotion, get caught up, take the vacation, you’ll finally be happy. Right?
Wrong. So many of us think we’ll be content when these things occur, only to realize how empty the accomplishment can feel when it actually happens.

In her own journey as a high achiever, mindfulness expert Amy Woodall recognized that what she was really chasing was the pursuit of being “good enough.” She wanted to prove that she had made it and could conquer anything in her path. But instead, she arrived at burnout and didn’t like who she was becoming.

For most high achievers, external fulfillment seems more important than inner peace. In this session, Amy will guide you through the process she used for herself and with countless clients to move from chasing to knowing.

Ideal Audiences for This Talk:

  • Leaders
  • High achievers
  • People pleasers

What Clients Are Saying


“Amy helped me navigate their human behaviors and understand how I can best tailor my approach to help them succeed. It was a brilliant strategy that has changed my organization and how I manage in general.”

Roger Penn

GM Trane


“For the past several years, Amy has been our powerful and trusted resource who our senior leaders rely on to help them get to the core of performance issues, communication problems and relationship stress.”

Suzanne Bentley, President

Business Furniture

#3: The Conscious Habit: Creating Mindfulness and Meaning in a Chaotic World

Fact: 95% of your day-to-day life is spent repeating the same patterns over and over again. Our subconscious and unconscious minds run the show. You get to your destination but can’t remember the route you took to get there.

Fact: The remaining 5% belongs to your conscious mind. This is the place where you can make change, be aware of your reactions and choose a more thoughtful response.

In this inspiring session, mindfulness expert Amy Woodall will teach you The Conscious Habit Formula. You will learn how to maximize the 5%, move beyond your hardwiring and build a life you love the hell out of.

Ideal Audiences for This Talk:

  • Organizational Leaders/Leadership Teams
  • Personal Development Conferences
  • Women’s Conferences


#4: The Anti-Hustle Culture: Why Grind and Grit Aren’t Enough Anymore

“Hustle and grind.”

“If it’s not hard, it’s not worth it.”

“Working longer is working better.”

I call B.S.

For far too long, high achievers have used phrases like these as their rallying cry. Society has supported the idea that an achievement is worth it only if you had to hustle to make it happen.

Nope. Not anymore.

If you’re one of these people, it’s no wonder you may feel burned out and apathetic. You’ve been falsely convinced that if you aren’t hustling and grinding, you must be inactive, incapable… or even worse, LAZY.

What if the opposite of “hustle and grind” prevailed in our workplaces instead? The antidote to burned out and apathetic employees is actually very simple. Individuals in flow understand where their unique talents meet high quality output AND feel more energized on the other side of the work.

If you’re ready to give your organization a culture shift like never before, let mindfulness expert Amy Woodall guide you to find your state of flow at work.

(And consider yourself warned, you might never want to go back to the hustle again.)

Ideal Audiences for This Talk:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • High Achievers
  • C-Suite Leadership Teams


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